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Young Startups helps Founders to start, fund and grow

Young Venture Group has long focused on starting and growing its ventures.

As an established player in the market, we want to enable Founders to not only develop and build on their own start-up.

Every year, we enthusiastically support and advise several startups looking to launch their early-stage business idea or just scale it up. We do this not only by investing capital, but also by investing knowledge, experience and sharing our network.

We believe in boundless ambition and want to support Fouders who envision just that. Doing business together, growing together.

What can we offer?

  • Young Venture Group offers personal loans for business purposes
  • With a term of 1 – 5 years at a fixed interest rate of 6%
  • Financieringvolume van EUR 10.000,- – EUR 30.000,- per (co-)founder
  • There are no start-up and termination fees involved
  • A credit check will be performed

@2024 Young Venture Group